
Menampilkan Data Dari Beberapa TABEL Di (ORACLE)

Salah satu fitur SQL yang paling berguna adalah kemampuan untuk mengabungkan tabel – tabel dan mendapatkan data dari tabel tabel tersebut. Namun untuk mempelajari ini terlebih dahulu anda harus memahami tabel relasional dan rancangan database relasional.

Umum penggunaan

SELECT  table1.column, table2.column
FROM   table1, table2
WHERE  table1.column1 = table2.column2 

Contoh Penggunaan :

SELECT Employees.Last_Name, Employees.Job_Id, Jobs.Job_Title, Jobs.Min_Salary FROM Employees, Jobs WHERE Jobs.Job_id=Employees.Job_id AND Last_Name LIKE '%e'

SELECT Departments.Department_Id, Departments.Department_Name, Departments.Location_Id, Locations.Street_Address, Locations.Postal_Code, Locations.City FROM Departments, Locations WHERE Departments.Location_Id=Locations.Location_Id AND Department_Id BETWEEN 50 AND 100

SELECT Locations.Location_id, Locations.Street_Address, Locations.City, Countries.Country_Name FROM Locations, Countries WHERE Locations.Country_Id=Countries.Country_id AND Location_Id>=1500 AND City LIKE 'S%'

SELECT Locations.Location_id, Locations.Street_Address, Locations.City, Countries.Country_Name FROM Locations, Countries WHERE Locations.Country_Id=Countries.Country_id AND Location_Id>=1500 AND City LIKE '%S'
SELECT Countries.Country_Name, Countries.Region_Id, Regions.Region_Name FROM Countries, Regions WHERE Countries.Region_Id=Regions.Region_Id AND Region_Name='Asia' 

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